Beyond the limits

Bathroom fixtures and aids for people with disabilities are designed and produced by Goman in order to make them usable in total safety and self-sufficiency even by people with mobility difficulties, in compliance with the rules and people’s dignity.

The toilets, for example, are designed precisely to enable the transfer of the wheelchair, or to facilitate the movement of getting up and sitting down. For this reason they are higher than common bathroom’s fixtures; there are also some models which are equipped with a frontal opening in order to facilitate the personal hygiene with the hand-shower.

Washbasins are suspended and ergonomic, with a concave front edge that facilitates their use; they may be also provided by manual or pneumatic mechanisms for reclining. The fittings in the catalogue are provided with a clinical, electronic or time-controlled lever.

Appropriate handrail or handlebar shall be installed adjacent to each hygiene system in order to allow the transfer and use even by people with reduced or disabled mobility.

Washbasin area

The sink must be of a shelf-type, with a front edge placed at a height of 80 cm from the floor level, with an underneath open space of at least 70/75 cm. The space for access must be 80cm, the taps must be “lever type” and the mirror must be usable by everybody (including children or wheelchair users), therefore it should be lowerable near the edge or reclinable.

WC area

The seat of the lavatory bowl must be placed at a height of 45/50cm from the floor, preferably it should be of a suspended-type; it must also stick out of the wall in a measure of 75/80 cm, to allow the access to a wheelchair; the distance from the side wall must be of min 40 cm, to allow the movement of the wheelchair; on the other side it must have an open space of at least 100 cm from the centre of the toilet seat; there should also be horizontal grab bars on one side and ideally a folding bar on the other side, at a distance of 80cm; the flush button and a toilet roll holder should be placed in a comfortable, easy to reach position; a bell is obligatory.

Shower area

In case there is a shower, the shower tray must be at floor level; it is also recommended to provide a folding seat placed at a level of 50cm from the floor, and suitable grab bars, at a height of 80cm.

SINCE 1999

Design and innovation to trace new scenarios of accessibility and inclusion